What does true allyship look like? Well, for starters, it’s a lot more than just social media activism. We get it; you want to do more but aren’t sure where to start.
Partnering with organisation One Of One, this BIGSOUND panel gives you the opportunity to find the answers to the questions you’ve been chasing - how? By sending in your questions in real-time, via our interactive Slido session. You’ll be able to ask the questions to these industry leaders as to what they're doing to make a more inclusive and safe industry for all.
We will be delving into understanding and defining what allyship is, what are the most pressing issues organisations are facing, what the difference between being a performative ally and a non-performative ally is, when should one speak up and when should one listen, and more. A must-attend event for anyone wanting to help shape the future of our workspaces.