Panel DiscussionDigital Marketing In The TikTok Era


Wednesday, 6th September
10:30AM - 11:15AM


Judith Wright Centre – ADC
420 Brunswick St,
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006,


As TikTok becomes an ever-dominant platform and force within the music and tech landscape, working the social media platform into an artist’s development strategy is becoming more and more the norm. Perhaps expected, there have been dividing opinions over the level of dependence on TikTok by artists and their teams; just as much as there have been clear success stories of music discovery, both by fans and artists themselves.

But what benefits does TikTok actually have in the development of an artist? How can an artist properly capitalise on creating music and content with TikTok in mind, so as to not lose their identity or sense of authenticity?

Join this panel of industry and digital marketing experts as they unpack the common misconceptions surrounding the presence of new media platforms in any artist development strategy, and how TikTok is on its way to becoming an integral part of the music industry’s fabric.


Ash Stahl

Conference Speaker

Flight House - CEO

Andrew Stone

Conference Speaker

Chugg Music / City Pop Records - CEO / Co-Founder

Ash McGregor

Conference Speaker

triple j - Radio Presenter - Home & Hosed

Mazbou Q

Industry Guest


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